2015 VOLUME XXXV - No. 3CONTENTS:INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY AND SYSTEMST.A. Alıev, A.H. Rzayev, G.A. Guluyev, T.A. Alızada, N.E. Rzayeva.Robust Noise technology and system for oil well SRPU diagnostics and managementR.R. Rzayev, E.T. Aliyev.Financial framework for effective cost recovery to support of FAO UN projectsF.I. Mamedov, J.F. Mamedov, H.R. Rasulov, As.H. Rzayev, Y.H. Aliyev.Investigation of the force sensor working under deformation of the cylindrical ringAb.H. Rzayev, A.B. Hasanov, G.A. Guluyev, As.H. Rzayev, F.H. Pashayev, M.H. Rezvan.Determining plunger dynamometer card based on the data of wellhead measurementsM.I. Ilyasov, Z.R. Camalov, Z.Y. Bashirova.On the opportunities of the use of information technology in preschool institutionsT.S. Mammadov, M.H. Hasratova, G.J. Afandiyev.Simulation of real customer services in lift systemsE.G. Hashimov.Assessment of survivability of the special purpose technicsR.I. Nabiyev, S.F. Jafarov, O.M. Mirzoyev.Control collecting belt conveyorTHEORY OF CONTROLSh.M. Rasulova, K.B. Mansimov.Investigation of quasi-singular controls in one optimal control problemV.M. Abdullayev, S.G. Talibov.On a numerical solution to the loaded mathematical physics equationsE.A. Garayeva, K.B. Mansimov.One and second order necessary optimality conditions for the one class of discrete optimal control problemsG.Sh. Ramazanova.On a necessary optimality condition of linearized type in the Goursat-Darboux systemsMODELING AND IDENTIFICATIONN.K. Gursoy, U.G. Nuriyev.Greedy algorithms with guarantee value for 0/1 minimization Knapsack problemA.B. Pashayev, S.A. Hasanova.Comparative analysis of information models of the Russian and Azerbaijan soil classificationsA.A. Akhundov, E.M. Akhundova.Non-linear equation of heat conductivity for polytrophic gas and some results of its continuous group analysis (part II)G.A. Abdiyeva-Aliyeva.Systematic analysis of oil spills managementN.Y. Mamedov, N.T. Abdullayev, G.S. Agayeva.Algorithm of spectral analysis and error estimation of discrete integration