2015 VOLUME XXXV - No. 6CONTENTS:THEORY OF CONTROLT.A. Aliev, N.F. Musayeva, U.E. Sattarova, N.E. Rzayeva.Theoretical foundations of forming the robust correlation matrices of mathematical models of the dynamics of control objectsK.R. Aida-zade, J.A. Asadova.Numerical investigation of the time-optimal problem when controlling oscillation processes with boundary and intermediate lumped control actionsK.Sh. Mammadov, A.H. Mammadova.Constructing a Lagrangian function for the Boolean programming problem with interval coefficients and its propertiesЕ.M. Neymanov, C. Yapar, E.A. Ibayev.Generating function of the number of jumps it takes a complex semimarkov random walk process to first reach the zero levelSh.M. Rasulova.Optimality conditions in one linear optimal control problemMODELING AND IDENTIFICATIONT.A. Alıev, N.F. Musaeva, M.T. Suleymanova, B.I. Gazızade.Using the algorithms for calculating the characteristics of the noise to build the differential function of its normal distributionT.Q. Rzaev, A.T. Iskenderova.Multı-level decomposıtıon of two-alternatıve dıagnosıs of complex technical systems ın fuzzy envıronmentE.T. Aliyev, V.I. Hasanov, Z.R. Jamalov, A.K. Hudadova.Fuzzy cognitive model for a comprehensive assessment of information securityK.R. Aida-zade, J.Z. Hasanov.An analysis of the Azerbaijani handwritten letter recognition using Support Vector MachineINFORMATION TECHNOLOGY AND SYSTEMSN.F. Musaeva, I.F. Pashayev, S.E. Pashayeva, V.V. Bayramov, J.M. Jafarov, B.A. Suleymanli.Wireless local area network application foundations in oil industry enterprisesR.R. Rzaev, S.T. Babayeva.Estimation of financial stability of commercial banks using the method of fuzzy inference in the notation of MATLABN.E. Rzayeva.Robust technology for monitoring of heart by means of laptops and smartphonesZ.Y. Bashirova.The system of interactive testing of the preschool children