2019 VOLUME 39 - No. 1CONTENTS:THEORY OF CONTROLG.Y. Mehdiyeva, V.R. Ibrahimov, M.N. Imanova.On the application of the hybrid methods to the solving of the Volterra integro-differential equationsE.N. Mahmudov.Controllability and observability of second order linear time invariant systemsA.E. Bashirov.Invariant control and filtering results for wide band noisesK.R. Aida-zade.On solving large-scale systems of linear equations with a small number of nonlinear termsR.O. Mastaliyev, K.B. Mansimov.Necessary optimality conditions of stochastic systems with functional constraints of the inequality typeMODELING AND IDENTIFICATIONA.Z. Melikov, M.O. Shahmaliyev.Analysis of perishable queueing-inventory system with MMPP flow and different types of customersK.Sh. Mamedov, N.O. Mamedli.Methods for finding suboptimistic and subpessimistic solutions to interval part of the integer programming problemA.B. Pashayev, E.N. Sabziev, T.A. Alizada.Mathematical modeling of the performance of aerobatic figures by a group of drones during joint flightA.B. Hasanov, E.N. Sadiqov.Modeling the penetration of cylindrical bodies into the ground by vibrationINFORMATION TECHNOLOGY AND SYSTEMST.A. Aliev, N.F. Musaeva, T.A. Alizada, U.E. Sattarova, N.E. Rzayeva, A.I. Mammadova.Algorithms and technologies for noise analysis in the latent period of an emergency state of control objects