2014 VOLUME XXXIV - No. 3


A.M. Pashayev, A.A. Alizadeh, T.A. Aliev, A.M. Abbasov, G.A. Guluyev, F.H. Pashayev, U.E. Sattarova.
Intelligent seismic-acoustic system for identifying the location of the focus of an expected earthquake
T.A. Aliev, N.E. Rzayeva.
Noise analysis of heart and lungs sounds by means of laptops and smartphones
R.R. Rzayev, A.I. Goyushov.
Multicriteria estimation of the communication services quality on the bases of use of the fuzzy conclution method
R.R. Rzayev, F.B. Agayev, M.A. Agamaliyev.
About one approach to overcoming of semantic uncertainty in criterion concepts of a procedural law
Y.A. Kulakov, V.V. Lukashenko, A.B. Kogan.
Method and means for designing of the traffic on the basis of safe multi-path routing in mobile networks
As.H. Rzayev.
Principle of measurement of instantaneous power in the three-phase circuit for the analysis by robust noise monitoring technology
G.A. Guluyev, As.H. Rzayev, F.H. Pashayev, M.H. Rezvan.
Algorithm for determining the force on the polished rod of sucker rod pumps by combined method
F.H. Pashayev.
RNM ASP network as a distributed system of processing of seismic-acoustic information
U.M. Mammadova, U.E. Sattarova, Z.Y. Bashirova.
Advantages, shortcomings and state-of-the-art of distance education in Azerbaijan

K.B. Mansimov, A.Y. Jabbarova.
Necessary optimality conditions in one hybrid Roesser type system
S.Sh. Gadirova, K.B. Mansimov.
On one control problem of discrete Roesser systems
R.O. Mastaliev.
On a stepwise problem of optimal control by discrete-continuoun systems
A.A. Akhundov, E.M. Akhundova.
The equations of heat conductivity for polytrophic gas and some results of its continuous group analysis (part I)
Y.S. Tunç, E.A. Ibayev, Sh. B. Bakhshiyev.
Study on the distribution of the semi-Markov random walk process with positive drift and negative jumps
S.Z. Guliyev.
Zonal control of nonlinear dynamic systems under nonlinear feedback
Y.R. Ashrafova.
The numerical scheme of calculation of the regimes of fluid flow in the pipelines of complicated structure

K.Sh. Mammadov, A.H. Mammadova.
Methods for constructing subpessimistic and suboptimistic solution in the Boolean programming problem with interval data
G.A. Abdiyeva-Aliyeva.
Mathematical models and solution methods for problems of management on regional protection in emergency situations
R.S. Guliyeva.
Modelling surface as elastic membrane drawn to level curves given with Catmull-Rom splines
Institute of Control Systems of the Ministry of Science and Education of the Republic of Azerbaijan
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