As.H. Rzayev, Y.G. Aliyev, M.H. Rezvan, V.V. Bayramov, Kh.F. Imamverdiyeva, M.M. Rizvanova.
Improving the principle of liquid level measurement in “Trap” type automated group metering units
The article deals with the improvement and technical implementation of the principle of measuring the flow rate of oil wells with the U6M-VZG liquid level sensor to improve their operational characteristics. In the article, we conduct a systems analysis of the principle of operation and component elements of the U6M-VZG liquid level sensor, showing the main causes shown of the reduction of operational characteristics and disadvantages due to the complex mechanical units housed inside the explosion-proof housing in the hazardous area to receive signals to reach the measured levels: the bottom of the metering tank, the “water - oil” and “liquid” section. We consider the possibility of controlling the levels: bottom of the metering tank, “water - oil” and “liquid” section by the values of the currents consumption by synchronous electric motor when lifting the load in order to increase the operational characteristics and disadvantages of the AGM automated group metering unit series on the basis of Trap. The proposed method of improving the principle of measuring the oil well flow rate separately for water and oil is based on the measurement of synchronous motor current in the supply circuit from an intelligent device. The graph of change of current consumption by synchronous motor in time is given, where the values of currents are indicated depending on the change of load on its shaft. A flow chart of the algorithm is constructed for calculating time intervals between the signals: bottom of the metering tank, “water - oil” and “liquid” section, which correspond to the levels of water and total liquid in the metering tank.
Keywords: Measurement, Oil flow rate, Liquid level sensor, Synchronous motor, Current сonsumption, Intelligent device, Measurement algorithm
Improving the principle of liquid level measurement in “Trap” type automated group metering units
The article deals with the improvement and technical implementation of the principle of measuring the flow rate of oil wells with the U6M-VZG liquid level sensor to improve their operational characteristics. In the article, we conduct a systems analysis of the principle of operation and component elements of the U6M-VZG liquid level sensor, showing the main causes shown of the reduction of operational characteristics and disadvantages due to the complex mechanical units housed inside the explosion-proof housing in the hazardous area to receive signals to reach the measured levels: the bottom of the metering tank, the “water - oil” and “liquid” section. We consider the possibility of controlling the levels: bottom of the metering tank, “water - oil” and “liquid” section by the values of the currents consumption by synchronous electric motor when lifting the load in order to increase the operational characteristics and disadvantages of the AGM automated group metering unit series on the basis of Trap. The proposed method of improving the principle of measuring the oil well flow rate separately for water and oil is based on the measurement of synchronous motor current in the supply circuit from an intelligent device. The graph of change of current consumption by synchronous motor in time is given, where the values of currents are indicated depending on the change of load on its shaft. A flow chart of the algorithm is constructed for calculating time intervals between the signals: bottom of the metering tank, “water - oil” and “liquid” section, which correspond to the levels of water and total liquid in the metering tank.
Keywords: Measurement, Oil flow rate, Liquid level sensor, Synchronous motor, Current сonsumption, Intelligent device, Measurement algorithm