2024 VOLUME 44 - No. 2CONTENTS:THEORY OF CONTROLSalim Otakulov, Feruza Kholiyarova. Non-smooth optimization control problem for model of dynamic system with delay under conditions of uncertaintyA.V. Kerimova, K.B. Mansimov. Necessary first- and second-order optimality conditions in one two-stage stepwise control problemM.Ya. Najafova. On a discrete nonlocal optimal control problem with a non-typical quality criterionMODELING AND IDENTIFICATIONA.E. Abdullayeva, R.T. Aliyev. On the fourth order moment of the renewal-reward process with dependent componentsSerhii Kurkula, Nataliia Maksyshko, Dmytro Ocheretin. Analysis of the development of the global electric vehicle market using cluster analysisU.M. Goyushova. Determining the location of a moving device based on video imagesINFORMATION TECHNOLOGY AND SYSTEMSAs.H. Rzayev, Y.G. Aliyev, M.H. Rezvan, V.V. Bayramov, Kh.F. Imamverdiyeva, M.M. Rizvanova. Improving the principle of liquid level measurement in “Trap” type automated group metering unitsA.E. Aliyeva. Automatic generation of concept maps for teaching informatics in higher education institutions