2024 VOLUME 44 - No. 1CONTENTS:THEORY OF CONTROLA.M. Abbasov, F.A. Aliev, N.S. Hajiyeva. Sweep method for solution of linear quadratic optimization problem with constraint in the form of equalities on controlE.N. Sabziev, A.A. Bayramov, S.B. Babayev. Optimization of the tactical group composition with minimum manpower lossesK.Sh. Mammadov, S.Y. Huseynov, A.H. Mammadova, I.I. Bakhshaliyeva. Optimal selection of variants for construction projects according to allocated capital investmentR.R. Niyazova. Innovative approximate solution methods and error estimation for the knapsack problemA.V. Kerimova. An analogue of the Pontryagin maximum principle in a discrete-continuous stepwise control problemSh.Sh. Suleymanova. On one control problem with variable structureMODELING AND IDENTIFICATIONK.R. Aida-zade, R.B. Azimov. Analysis of the use of textual features in the identification of authorship of works of fiction in the Azerbaijani languageL.E. Poladova, G.M. Velijanova. Numerical analysis of a queuing-inventory system with catastrophes using (S-1, S) policyINFORMATION TECHNOLOGY AND SYSTEMSY.G. Aliyev. Development of the controller module of the intelligent MESSDOSE dynamographM.H. Rezvan. A method and a system of early diagnostics of deep-well pumping units in oil production