K.Sh. Mammadov, S.Y. Huseynov, A.H. Mammadova, I.I. Bakhshaliyeva.
Optimal selection of variants for construction projects according to allocated capital investment

The article considers the problem of putting a certain number of construction projects into operation. It is assumed that a corresponding number of variants (crews) can be used to put each project into operation. It is required that for each construction project such variants were selected and used that the total cost required for them not exceed the allocated funds, that only one variant be used for each project, and the income received be maximum. A mathematical model of this problem is built and an approximate solution method of is developed.

Keywords: Construction projects, Optimal selection, Capital investment, Total income, Selection of variants

DOI: https://doi.org/10.54381/icp.2024.1.03
Institute of Control Systems of the Ministry of Science and Education of the Republic of Azerbaijan
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