E.M. Farhadzadeh, A.Z. Muradaliyev, T.K. Rafiyeva, A.A. Rustamova
Boundary values of fiducial intervals of technical and economic indicators of TPP power units

Reducing the risk of erroneous decisions when comparing and ranking the efficiency of the main equipment and devices of thermal power plants (TPP) of EPS can be achieved by developing an automated system for controlling the accuracy of initial data. This difficulty is caused by the multivariate nature of technical and economic indicators (TEI), the source of which is the data of statistical reporting in the form of ZTEKh (energo). Previous studies made it possible to develop a method and an algorithm for calculating the fiducial intervals of a cluster of TEI implementations, the classification of which according to possible types of attributes is impractical. The paper addresses two issues: how these intervals change over time, and how the nature of the distribution of homogeneous TEI implementations within the fiducial interval changes. Reducing the risk of an erroneous decision when comparing and ranking TPP power units is a prerequisite for successful benchmarking of powerful power units, reducing operating costs. The need to solve the problem of improving the maintenance and repair of equipment, the service life of which exceeds the calculated one, should be considered urgent, as well as the preparation of appropriate methodological recommendations.

Keywords: Boundary values, Fiducial interval, Power units, Faultlessness, Decrease in risk, Ageing, Thermal power plants
Institute of Control Systems of the Ministry of Science and Education of the Republic of Azerbaijan
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