2023 VOLUME 43 - No. 1CONTENTS:OUR NOTABLE ANNIVERSARIESALI ABBASOV ─ 70AMINAGHA SADIGOV ─ 60MODELING AND IDENTIFICATIONT.A. Aliev, G.A. Guluyev, As.H. Rzayev, F.H. Pashayev, N.E. Rzayeva, R.M. Gadimov. A technology for monitoring the onset of malfunctions in oil field reservoir pressure maintenance equipmentA.B. Hasanov. Modeling of the movement of debris flows in river basinsB.G. Ibrahimov, A.G. Hasanov, S.R. Ismaylova, K.M. Tahirova. Study performance indicators covert channels of steganographic systems in telecommunication networksZh.B. Akhmedova. Representation of the solution of a system of fractional linear differential equations with Caputo derivatives for modeling processes in fractal mediaR.B. Azimov. Approaches to the recognition of handwritten letters of the Azerbaijani language and their analysisTHEORY OF CONTROLA.B. Sadigov. On the application of modified dynamic programming in operational and organizational controlV.G. Rzayeva. A necessary optimality condition of the Pontryagin maximum principle type in one problem of optimal control of a system with distributed parametersINFORMATION TECHNOLOGY AND SYSTEMSI.M. Ismayilov, R.N Garayev. Methods and ways for improving the exchange of information in the flight control systemAs.H. Rzayev, G.A. Guluyev, Y.G. Aliyev, M.H. Rezvan. Operating algorithms of the "TRAP" automated group measuring device controllerA.B. Pashayev, E.N. Sabziev. The substantiation of the application of the integral criterion at the data processing